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ARCATU 2025 Abstract Format

Abstract Submission Format


  • Should be concise, descriptive, and reflect the research focus.
  • Maximum 15 words, bold and centered.


Author(s) Information

  • Full name(s) of all authors.
  • Affiliation(s) (Institution, Department, Country).
  • Corresponding author’s email.


Abstract Body (250-300 words)

1. Background & Purpose

  • Briefly introduce the problem or gap the research addresses.
  • Clearly state the research objective(s).


2. Methodology

  • Outline the approach, design, or experimental methods used.
  • Specify key materials, techniques, or models applied.


3. Key Findings

  • Summarize the main results with quantitative or qualitative highlights.
  • Focus on the significance and relevance of the findings.


4. Practical Applications

  • Explain how the research contributes to industry, society, or policy.
  • Highlight innovations, solutions, or improvements introduced.


5. Conclusion & Implications

  • Provide a brief synthesis of the findings and their importance.
  • Mention future directions for research or application.


6. Keywords

  • 3 to 5 relevant keywords, separated by commas.
  • Should reflect core themes of the research.


7. Formatting Guidelines

  1. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced.
  2. Alignment: Justified.
  3. Page size: A4 with 1-inch margins.
  4. File format: Word (.docx) or PDF.


8. Submission Process

  1. Abstracts should be submitted via the online submission portal:.
  2. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  3. Notification of acceptance will be sent by May 15, 2025.