About Us

  • Vision

Serving as a platform to bridge the gap in the student-alumni interface, driven by the principles and values that shall ensure the accomplishment of both present and future alumni with support to build social, well-informed, and motivational capital for Accra Technical University and its students. 


Creating a dynamic and worldwide community of alumni through increased opportunities for meaningful interactions in order to increase awareness, participation, and pride in the University’s history, accomplishments, programmes, and offerings

Aims & Objectives

The aims of the Accra Technical University Alumni Association shall be:

  • Seeking the welfare and ensure continuity of the common goals of members;
  • Contributing to the development of ATU and its graduates through improvements, and development of curricula and programmes, provision of financial and material support, enhancing networking and career development. 

 The Objectives include:

  • Providing a forum for members to discuss issues of mutual interest, benefits and advice to improve the curricula and programmes of ATU;
  • Enhancing the image of ATU Graduates and promoting ATU as the leading national and international institution of excellence by creating and supporting projects deemed relevant to the University and society at large;
  • Providing the right occasions for the ATU Alumni to make positive contributions towards the development of the University.