Purpose of the Library

The Library has two main objectives namely to:

  • provide good quality, relevant and up to date information resources to support teaching, learning and research
  • ensure a conducive environment for students faculty learning and research needs.

The above objectives of the library are achieved in the following ways:

Collection Development 
The library collaborates with faculty to ensure that relevant, up-to-date and good quality books are acquired to support the mission of the Technical University. Currently, our print collection stands at about twenty-seven thousand, five hundred (27,500) volumes. These collections are mostly in Applied Sciences,  Engineering, Business Administration and Management Studies subject areas. Our collections also include students’ dissertations, bound volumes of newspapers and government publications; as well as bound volumes of HND exams past questions.

Cataloguing & Classification 
The books once acquired are destined for the shelves after they have been catalogued and classified to
make retrieval easy and quick.

Book Lending 
Students, faculty and staff who have been registered in the Library have the privilege of borrowing books
from the Library for their academic work. This is done under terms and conditions, captured under the
rules and regulations of the Library.

Information Literacy
The library also engages students on information literacy that is to have the ability to realize what information they need, how to create it, evaluate it and finally how to use the information to generate knowledge. Teaching students on Information Literacy (Ability to realize that information is needed, how to locate and evaluate the needed information and using the information to generate knowledge).

Through the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana (CARLIGH), we provide online
access to E-journals and scholarly publications to support the rich academic curriculum of the Technical

Literature search

  • Manual search: Helping patrons to find useful information for their research work, assignments
    and also to gain more knowledge in their areas of studies.
  • Electronic search: Assisting patrons (students in particular) in their literature searches.
  • Providing training on how to conduct effective electronic searches for our valued patrons in the
    University community.

Inter-library Loan and Document Delivery
Through both formal and informal arrangements we reach out to other sister academic libraries in Ghana for answers to your information requests that cannot be provided by us immediately.

Location & opening hours


The Library operates from two sites; namely

  • The top floor of the N Block where Engineering and Applied science materials are kept
  • The 2nd floor of the B-Tech Block where Business Administration and management collections are kept. This site also houses the Library E-resources unit.

Opening Hours 


MONDAY – FRIDAY     9:00AM – 8:00PM
SATURDAY                  9:00AM – 2:00PM

MONDAY – FRIDAY     8:00AM – 9:00PM
SATURDAY                  9:00AM – 2:00PM

MONDAY – FRIDAY     9:00AM – 430pm



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