Celebrating Milestones: ATU Hosts Maiden Two-Day Leavers’ Seminar for Final Year Students
Date: August 17, 2023

The University Auditorium came alive with energy and anticipation as final year students from various faculties gathered for the inaugural two-day Leavers’ Seminar held at the University from Monday, 14th to Wednesday, 16th August 2023. With the overarching theme of “Celebrating Milestones: the Essence of Graduation,” the event aimed to empower students with insights into the significance of their impending graduation and the opportunities that lie ahead.

The seminar, organised by the University’s Public Affairs Directorate through the Alumni Relations Unit, saw a dynamic mix of students from the Faculties of Engineering, Built Environment, Applied Sciences, Arts, and the Secretaryship and Management/Bilingual streams of the Faculty of Business. The first day was dedicated to orienting the students from the former faculties, while the latter faculty took center stage on the final day.

Throughout the seminar, participants were immersed in engaging sessions that underscored the importance of being active contributors to their graduation and of fostering a deep connection with their alma mater. The speakers, who included key figures from the University’s leadership and the ATU Alumni Association, shared their expertise and insights on various aspects of graduation and alumni engagement.

Among the distinguished speakers were the Acting Vice-Chancellor, who emphasized the role of the graduates as ambassadors of the institution’s legacy, and the Registrar, who outlined the practical steps involved in the graduation journey. The Dean and Vice Dean of Student Affairs provided valuable guidance on navigating the transition from university life to the professional world, while the Director of Public Affairs highlighted the significance of maintaining the university’s brand visibility.

One of the highlights of the event was the participation of the ATU Alumni Association, represented by its executives. These alumni shared inspiring stories of their own journey from students to successful professionals, highlighting the ways in which their connection to the university has played a pivotal role in their career growth and personal development. They emphasized the strength of the alumni network as a valuable resource for mentorship, networking, and continued learning.

Throughout the seminar, participants were encouraged to ask questions, engage in discussions, and share their thoughts on how they envision their post-graduation journeys. The interactive nature of the event facilitated meaningful connections between students and the speakers, fostering a sense of unity and purpose among the final year cohort.

As the two-day Leavers’ Seminar came to a close, the participants left the auditorium with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Armed with insights into the essence of graduation and the potential of their roles as future alumni, the final year students were eager to embark on their next chapter with a newfound enthusiasm for personal and professional growth.

The event marked a significant milestone in the University’s commitment to providing holistic education and preparing students for life beyond academia. With the successful conclusion of the inaugural seminar, it is expected that this tradition will continue to thrive, nurturing generations of empowered graduates who are proud ambassadors of their alma mater.


Date: August 17, 2023