Cyber Security Awareness Symposium: Accra Technical University and Cyber Security Authority Join Forces to Promote Digital Safety
Date: October 30, 2023
Vice-Chancellor (Ag.) Accra Technical University, Prof. Amevi Acakpovi

Accra Technical University (ATU) and the Cyber Security Authority of Ghana organised a highly informative Cyber Security Awareness Symposium on Thursday, October 26, 2023, at the ATU Akwaaba Guest Lodge Conference Room.

The event which formed part of the University’s activities to mark this year’s Cyber Security Awareness Month, aimed to educate the public, businesses, and institutions about the importance of cybersecurity and steps to safeguard sensitive digital assets.

In his opening address, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of Accra Technical University, Professor Amevi Acakpovi, highlighted the significant efforts taken by the university to protect its technological assets. He emphasised that in an age where technology plays an increasingly crucial role, institutions like ATU must remain vigilant to ensure the safety of their digital infrastructure. “The threats we face today may pale in comparison to those of tomorrow, hence, the need for continuous dialogue, the dissemination of knowledge, the exploration of emerging trends, and the sharing of best practices are not just a necessity; it is our moral and ethical obligation to future generations,” he added.

The keynote speaker for the event, Dr. Albert Antwi-Boasiako, the Director-General of the Cyber Security Authority urged the audience, particularly institutions, to take responsibility for their cybersecurity by investing in the necessary and relevant software. He explained that this proactive approach could be one of the most effective ways to protect sensitive data from malicious attacks, which are becoming more sophisticated and prevalent.

Dr. Albert Antwi-Boasiako, the Director-General of the Cyber Security Authority

He urged the public, especially educational institutions, to take responsibility for their cybersecurity by investing in the requisite and relevant software. This, he explained, could be one of the surest ways to protect sensitive data from malicious attacks.

Dr. Antwi-Boasiako emphasised the evolving nature of cyber threats and the need for constant vigilance. He stressed that investing in robust cybersecurity measures not only protects sensitive information but also safeguards the reputation and financial stability of institutions.

The symposium included a panel discussion on the latest cybersecurity trends, best practices, and emerging threats in the context of higher education. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with experts in the field, allowing them to gain valuable insights into safeguarding their digital assets.

Participants left the symposium with a greater awareness of the importance of cybersecurity and a commitment to enhancing digital safety measures in their respective organisations.


Date: October 30, 2023