Accra Technical University has advocated for universities to be brought closer to Industry through its 2nd CEO lecture series that came off on 15th August 2024 at the British Council. The programme stirred discussions around the theme ” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”, on a panel studded with maverick game-changers and pioneers in Technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Ghana.

The exciting, yet insightful discussions were led by guest speakers Dr. Prince Kofi Kludjeson, Executive Chairman of Celltel Networks Limited and Dr. Francis Boateng Agyenim, Director of CSIR-Institute of Industrial Research (CSIR-IIR).
Speaking at the programme’s opening, Dr Agyenim called on Universities to facilitate honing innovative ideas that are rarely taught in the classrooms. He said that there is a rapid evolution in the demands of the job market, and it behoves Universities to prepare and empower students to meet these demands.
He called for a reorientation of mindset towards innovation and entrepreneurship. According to him, a shift from learning for memory to creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills is the most effective way of producing useful products for the job market.
When asked about the issue of unemployment that has been the bane of the youth of the country, Dr. Agyenim attributed it to the fundamental lapses in our educational system that have inadvertently unfavoured creativity, and entrepreneurial skills and rather focused on getting employed by the government. He mentioned the huge gap in basic appreciation of colour, distance, and direction as a case in point of why our education leaves a lot to be desired.
He called for bringing Universities closer to Industry, stating that most of the ideas and innovations we see around today were started by students at the University. As such, there is a need for collaborative efforts between Universities and Industry in empowering students to embark on innovative research that will transform the industry. He alluded that this was the primary aim the first president of the country Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had in establishing the CSIR. A vision that the institute continues to realise in embarking on ground-breaking research and spurring innovations through research outcomes.

Dr. Kludjeson cautioned the over-reliance on government. He mentioned that the Universities have the power to lead by providing a viable environment for students to realise their problem-solving and entrepreneurial potentials. According to him, he believes that everybody has a role to play and there is no limit to what one can do with their ideas when given the rightopportunity and empowerment. He called for equity in innovation, stating that nobody should be left out in a world dictated by “smart technologies”. ” If you put down your degree, the next question is what other skills do you have? ” He said.
Responding to the question on the role of Technical Universities imbibing innovation in its students, Dr. Agyenim admonished Technical Universities not to copy the “classical Universities” He charged Technical Universities to be different in the way they do things,emphasizing bridging the gap between theory and practice. He recommended more scholarships to students pursuing STEM courses to support and develop their innovative ideas. He also added that Technical Universities should set up innovative hubs that will potentially encourage creativity and innovative solutions to everyday problems.
The Director of TVET, Engr. Antwi Bosiako expressed his excitement about the programme and called for such programmes to be organised at a national level to have major stakeholders benefit from the wealth of knowledge shared. He reiterated the importance of TVET education as a solution to unemployment and advised it to be incorporated at the basic level of our education so that we will train students who can rely on their skills for creating jobs and not on the government for jobs.
In a closing remark made by the Ag. Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor, Amevi Acakpovi spelt out the vision of the University’s lecture series. According to him, the forum is to nurture an environment where education meets industry. He reiterated the University’s efforts to distinguish itself as the Premier Technical University through its research and innovation projects. He encouraged more partnerships with Industry to fully achieve this and strive for more laurels as the 4th best University in Ghana.