Integrity, Creativity & Excellence




Integrity, Creativity & Excellence


The Premier News

Be Mindful of Your Identity - NSS Reps

Accra Technical University held a National Service Orientation for its final-year students at the University Auditorium, on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. The event, coordinated by the office of the Dean of Student Affairs hosted representatives from the National Service Scheme who took turns in familiarizing students with the online portal of the scheme.

Mr. Josiah Lomotey, an administrator at the National Service Secretariat explained the prerequisite conditions students have to meet to qualify for National Service. He advised them to be mindful of all the information that make up their identity as individuals. According to him, details like the spelling and order of their full names and ID card numbers, are some of the few things that mark them as individuals. As such, a slight error in these details could have a tragic impact on their lives. He cited examples of past students whose names on their national ID cards seemed different from the names in their school’s database. He added that national service is a great opportunity for the Ghanaian youth to develop the skills they picked up from school in a practical atmosphere while proving their patriotism.

Mr. Yaw Tweneboah Kodua, another NSS representative took the ATU final-year students through the process of applying and maneuvering the NSS online portal. He also emphasised the importance of identity as he explained how the NSS personnel code and pin work. Yaw Kodua explained that ID numbers, email addresses, passwords, pin codes and full names are exclusive individual properties and must be guarded as such. He added that disregarding these details never ends well. He also took time to explain how beneficial it is for personnel to serve within their region of residence.

Final year students are expected to begin their national service after the current semester.


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