Integrity, Creativity & Excellence




Integrity, Creativity & Excellence


The Premier News

ATU Alumni Donate Projectors to Alma Mater

The presentation took place in a brief ceremony on Friday, June 25, 2021, at the Council Chamber.
Mr. David Ayisala, an old student and president of the alumni association, made the presentation on behalf of his colleagues. He said that the presentation was the group’s way of supporting the institution that had groomed them. ‘‘This presentation forms part of giving back to the institution which has made us what we are. . .we believe that these projectors will enhance effective teaching and learning leading to quality education outcomes,’’ he said.

Mr. Ayisala also revealed that the Alumni intends to build a students’ hostel at the Mpehuasem Campus, and so the team will engage the student leadership in this regard.

Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor Samuel Nii Odai, was grateful to the old students for their thoughtfulness in pooling their resources together to support their alma mater. He eulogised the cordiality between the Alumni and the University Management.

Prof. Odai underscored the importance of alumni associations; citing his own experiences as an alumnus of several universities. He, therefore, encouraged the student leadership that was present at the brief ceremony to learn from the gesture and follow suit.  ‘‘We have seen the current alumni present us with 10 projectors. . . this is an example to you. Don’t wait until you become Bill Gates before you decide to help your university. You can start little from today,’’ he stressed.

The Vice-Chancellor added that the university would do its best to put the projectors to good use to enhance academic activities especially at a time where virtual classes have become the norm. He charged the leadership of the alumni to revitalise the ATU Alumni through a grand alumni homecoming; a proposal that was readily accepted by the group.

The presentation ceremony had in attendance the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, Director of Finance, Deans, Directors and Heads of Departments.


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